
18 feb 2003

Is it possible for someone to be an intelligent poetics type person, know all the right things to say, be steeped in the tradition, etc... and lack a talent for actually writing poems--without knowing it? Not only possible, but quite frequent I would say.

Next question: Am I one of these people? Somewhat likely. If I SAY I am, then I am not, because I KNOW that I lack talent. If I say I am not, then I AM, because I am unaware of my lack of talent.

I usually don't like naming these people because, who am I to make this determination? No one really asked for my opinion. For example X, a Spanish poet who is quite erudite, a famous poet and friend and ally of mine, but simply not very good 90% of the time. Z, an American Language poet, a not particularly good poet, but highly influential with lots of strong essays on poetry and poetics.

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