
27 ene 2003

If you only read Yépez in English, you're missing out on the great "bloguerras" between the "bárbaros del norte" and the "fresas del centro." The Tijuana group is seen as barbaric and "agringados" (gringo-fied). The Mexico City writers are denigrated as perfumed "strawberries": "mesoamericanos," "defeños," or "chilangos." They (chilangos like Sifuentes and Del Valle) deny that they enjoy any centralist privilege by virtue of their residence in the Distrito Federal. They often deny the physical existence of Heriberto. (I have independent testimony that he does, in fact, exist!)

I have no real stake in this battle, though I tend to sympathize with the norteños as a matter of instinct. Always root for the underdog. [The word "defeño," by the way, comes for the initials D.F. (Distrito federal or federal district), and thus refers to residents of what in English we call "Mexico City."] A few defeños took particular offense at Heriberto's use of the term "mesoamericanos," I'm not exactly sure what connotations this has. After all, I'm just a gringo myself.

It makes a great story. If I actually understood what the story actually was I might find it less interesting.

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