
29 sept 2002

I dislike writing grant proposals. Having to justify what one is going to do in the future. Couldn’t they just extrapolate from what I have already done and predict that I will do more of the same? I don’t see myself as doing research, but as writing about what I already know. That is to say, my research never stops. I am constantly reading, developing ideas. Then writing. I have written much since last spring: an article on Jorge Riechmann for "Insula." Another, longish article on Spanish poetry of the 1950s generation, in which I refute the idea that these poets used “ordinary language.” A third article, not yet completed, on Carme Riera. A review of Claudio Rodríguez’s complete poetry for Revista de Libros. I found a way of quoting John Riley’s "Beyond Bop Drumming" in an academic article.

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